Feb 9Liked by The Jolly Contrarian

There are several areas that I think are weak with this study:

1. The study's findings are based on a specific set of contracts and tasks. I would want some reference to consideration whether the results would hold across a wider range of types of documents

2. The performance in locating legal issues varies significantly among different LLMs, suggesting that choosing the right model for specific legal tasks is critical. This raises questions about the adaptability of any one selected model across various purposes of review

3. Ethical Considerations: The deployment of LLMs in legal practice involves ethical considerations, such as privacy, data protection, and the potential for bias in model outputs, which were not really a consideration of this study.

4. The most important factor is the source, which is highly commercial in the world of legal technology.. might there not be a little bias creeping in here?

Just some quick thoughts…

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