Sitemap - 2024 - The Jolly Contrarian
The Anthropology of Money, Part 1
Terminating a financial contract
Update: Cross Default is coming...
Section 1 of the ISDA: Interpretation
Bankruptcy as phase transition
Bankruptcy as a phase transition
Lucy Letby: doubt, prior probability and tonewood
Lucy Letby, probabilities and tunnel vision, part 1
Prosecutor’s tunnel vision, part 3
Prosecutor’s tunnel vision, part 2
The Death and Life of Great American Cities
Podcast news - DangerMouth meets blabbermouth
About that ISDA Pt 6(b): Section 2(a)(iii): the problems
About that ISDA Pt 6(a): Section 2(a)(iii): the theory
From the ISDA annals: employment derivatives
The LIBOR scandal, part 1: background
But no-one reads this, do they?
About that ISDA Pt 5: Section 1: Interpretation
About that ISDA Pt 4(b): The qualities of a good ISDA
About that ISDA Pt 4(a): The qualities of a good ISDA
About that ISDA Pt 3: The Preamble
About that ISDA: Pt 2: Bilaterality
About that ISDA: Pt 1: Three aims of an ISDA